Comparison between Spoken and Written Language
Literature Review
Spoken and written are two different languages where there are lots of differences between both. Teenagers tend to produce simple conversation in chat room where everyone is using short forms, emoticons, and also slangs. Article written by Guy Merchant entitled Teenage Girls and Internet Chat rooms, illustrates how the use of popular electronic communication is resulting in linguistic innovation within new, virtual social networks in a way that reflects more wide-reaching changes in the communication landscape. He also stated that, the data illustrate how rapid written conversations which combine features of face-to-face talk with explorations in interactive writing and the exchange of additional digital information, such as image files and web addresses, are enabling these young people to develop sophisticated and marketable literacy skills.
It seems that written language has been corrupted in chat room when teenagers love to follow the trend for ditching grammar, spelling and vowels in their written language. They actually used spoken language in written form in chat room because it is somehow a conversation although they are not facing each other. Unlike formal written language, the language used is more accurate and using academic structure of writing. This is because we do not talking in formal writing. In chat room, they are actually talking in writing. Observations in his study showed frequent use of features like vowel reduplication, expletives, non-standard punctuation, and capitalization. Abbreviations and emoticons were also regularly used. Here, the supportive tone is provided by punctuation and the use of emoticons, which substitute for some of the paralinguistic features that one might expect in a similar face-to-face interaction. The creative phonic spelling (‘thanx’ and ‘wot’), slang (‘cool’) and abbreviations (gr8 as for great) that are used here are also a distinctive feature of many chat rooms.
The second article written by Rebekah Willet and Julian Sefton-Green said that, chat room conversations which are actually written texts are conversational and reflect spoken language. Participants create various text images such as emoticons or ways of writing to reflect speaking by using capital letters to denote shouting, for example. Furthermore, because chat room conversations happen in real time, the writing has to be produced very quickly. They also claim that, nine various new language forms have developed, such as acronyms (btw = by the way), the use of numbers as words or parts of words (gr8 = great), and phonetic spelling (e.g. wots up = what’s up). Another form of language, particularly used in those chat rooms which filter out swear words or sexually explicit language, is the use of intentional misspellings, or the use of symbols to represent letters (a33= ass). These examples were taken by them from 'Habbohotel' whose filtering system is apparently updated on a daily basis.
Thus, both female and male teenagers seems to be tend to use this kind on language while they are writing, where actually it is talking in chat rooms. Those examples of language can be said as ‘teenage language’. Moreover, if among them do not know how to use this kind of language, people look at them as outdated because they did not follow the trend nowadays. These articles give a same conclusion where written and spoken language brings a lot of differences which we can make a comparison between them. Written language in chat rooms is actually a form of spoken language used by teenagers in this globalization era. It is one of the forms that they used to express their thought and feelings. They tend to share everything in web medium rather than using face-to-face medium.
Analysis on Chatroom conversation
Spoken language is best described as the tools that people use for the sake of communication and information transfer in their daily life. People do speak for the purpose of asking, greeting, thanking, and so on. For example, a morning with a smile to your neighbour is rather dull than you say “Hello!” or “Morning Mrs Poh”. The effect of spoken language is rather positive and it is a better tool for someone to express their feeling and anxiety. People next to you, for example would never know on why are you keep silence. They may think that you are may be sick, or unhappy, or angry towards something. But if the spoken language has been interjected with this matter, people would understand your situation better and any resolution could be made in single moment. For example, you said” I’m sad” or “I wanna be alone please”. People may leave you alone and let yourself free for doing anything, or they may come and try to calm you down. However, written language is greatly known for informative purpose and factual used. Written language usually differs from spoken language in terms of casualty and tone. Spoken language would bring the exact intended meaning as compared to written language. For example, the usage of pause in twenty, three cent stamps in spoken language would bring the meaning of there is twenty pieces of three cent stamps than in written twenty three cents stamps. It seems ambiguous and different people would interpret it differently. The use of spoken language applied in written forms is widely known among the teenagers. This is due to reason of language applied in chatting, short message services and many more. Later, it becomes a trend for people to write their new develop knowledge into papers and assume as it is legal. For those whom still using formal written language may get the same effect as to those whom still used a formal spoken language. They may be labeled as outdated, nerd, or they may be a symbol to be laughed on.
Let us summarize on the use of spoken language in written forms which has been used widely among teenagers during chatting on line. There are several points that could be issued upon this matter which are the use of short forms, emotional insertion in spoken language to written in chat room, the omission of certain marks and emoticons to express feelings.
First and foremost is the use of short forms in chatting. For example, “y” is use instead of “why”, you has been shortened into “u”, so on and so forth. Spoken language in comparison does not need this short form. Perhaps, if they made any shortened, the meaning would be totally different and the message may be interfered or somehow irrelevant. But there is adaptation that has been made from written language to spoken forms. For example, Paris Hilton “fyi” is a short form for “for your information.
The second point is emotional insertion in spoken language to written in the chat room. For example, “hiiiii!!!!!”, They prefer to use “hiiiii!!!” instead of “hi!” which consists of many “i” to indicate the happiness or any emotional ties in their greeting. If there are only one “h” letters plus an ‘i” letters will bring a decent tone, expressionless as compared to the other one. That will make the rest of people understand that the person cheerful and friendly. Possibly, they want attention from the other chatters. There are so many chatters in the conversation and nothing would make them bold unless if they apply this trick.
The third point is the omission of certain marks. For example, they tend to omit the question marks for questions, exclamation marks for expressions, coma for pauses and so on. This situation may be caused of they want to avoid any difficulties in typing. The act of pressing “shift” button and number 1 for “!” for example, may take a longer time. Chat needs a feedback in a glance; thus, this omission would simplify the typing of those chatters.
Last but not least, the emoticons use to express feelings. For example,
, so on and so forth. It helps to gives an idea to the other person of our thoughts and feelings. For example, “” makes people know that the person is joking and instead of using “hihi” to symbolize that the person is laughing, Other than that, the use of abbreviation like “lol” simplifies the idea of laughing. Plus, it is makes the difference in appearance in the chat box, so that it looks plenty than too much crowded with letters. Furthermore, the emoticons are always available in the chat box so that it brings easiness towards the chatters to express their feelings.
Examples of Chatroom Conversations
35__male: any female wanna chat with me on yahoooo
Botzy: YAYS has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: Xerxes has joined. Welcome!
iloveu: m23 here
karyis: hi pooja
Botzy: muimui has joined. Welcome!
marianne: hiey team
Botzy: Fun21 has left.
jakes: say espanol
Botzy: katsuiyoki has joined. Welcome!
teampunishment1977: how are ya
ilol_cute: hhaaaii...any malay boy here???
Botzy: neil45 was idle for too long and has been disconnected.
chitu: what??????????
marianne: im good
keviv: espanol
komalll: '''''''
Botzy: rose_92 has joined. Welcome!
jakes: yeah
Botzy: nnnnnn has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: Helal has joined. Welcome!
raj_30_india: hi komalll
karyis: hi shipraaaaaaa
Ola: i'm back
Botzy: suchitra has joined. Welcome!
Hwang: Wow
teampunishment1977: good to hear
pasyluv3: hy any ladies here
Botzy: vineet_2222 has joined. Welcome!
praveen_20: any one here for friendly chat
sexysexy: JUST SHUT UR YAP
chitu: yes
jakes: say something
Botzy: lvesluts has joined. Welcome!
ayaana: thank u ankit_86 -
Botzy: ajay has joined. Welcome!
shanya: hi
pynk: hi
35__male: any female wanna chat with me on yahoooo
Botzy: I'm female... But it would not make any difference , I am what I am.
Botzy: a_simple_guy has joined. Welcome!
Pooja~20: dnt knw
keviv: something 
Hwang: In this place, a lot of people are chating with each other
jackmortin: alisa_22_f>
marianne: hola
frmumbaiwithlove: so hws lyf chitu??
Botzy: harisali3 has left.
Hwang: Amagzing ^^
Siddtharth: hiiii allll
praveen_20: any one here for friendly chat
marianne: yeah...tks
Helal: Hi all!Anygirl from Dhaka?
Botzy: sparsh_21 was idle for too long and has been disconnected.
a_simple_guy: hiii 2 alll..
Botzy: justlauren17 has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: cutehandsome has joined. Welcome!
jakes: hola marianne
ayaana: hi harisali3 -
Botzy: jharna222 has joined. Welcome!
teampunishment1977: no prob
momson: hi any indian guy willing to chat about real family se x
a_simple_guy: happy v day..
@ jakes
raj_30_india: hi jharna
justlauren17: hi again
ikkhybeliebers: aduh d kacangin 
jakes: how ya doing
chitu: wht happen???
praveen_20: any one here for friendly chat
Botzy: minah was idle for too long and has been disconnected.
Botzy: karyis has left.
Botzy: sweetie32 has joined. Welcome!
marianne: hacer el bien 
chitu: in which standard u r
Botzy: varshasethi has joined. Welcome!
lovelylegs: is any1 from USA?
ayaana: r u mad iloveu
marianne: Y tu? @ jakes
rose_92: praveen_20> hi
a_simple_guy: any1 interested in decent chat??..plz whisper..
momson: hi
Botzy: 7854754 has joined. Welcome!
YAYS: hi 
chitu: wht? n u r nt doing ur studies
ikkhybeliebers: hy, who have facebook or twitter??? Botzy: Ammar_Ahmed has joined. Welcome!
damayantee: hi - get a free blog at
YAYS: who wants to chat me ?
pasyluv3: hot_bella>hy hud
Siddtharth: qlucklich valentinstag
jakes: hows ya life there?
Botzy: pink_flower was idle for too long and has been disconnected.
ayaana: hi sandeep what do udo?
chiller: im chiller
chiller: hi ayann
chitu: so v can b frends
Amon: Hi all!Anygirl from Bangladesh is here?
22_roleplay_boy: girls whisper me for roleplay
marianne: lol.....i dont know if you are still talking to me
Botzy: abhinav_delhi has joined. Welcome!
ayaana: im frm hyd nu?
justlauren17: cool
Botzy: suchitraa has joined. Welcome!
chiller: ind
jakes: yeah i am talking to ya
chiller: tamil
Botzy: frmumbaiwithlove has left.
mayank35: hi 2 all of u
Botzy: nnnnnn was idle for too long and has been disconnected.
Botzy: vijay_tamil has joined. Welcome!
rose_92: [haris_01 ->hi
chiller: hi jakes
marianne: oh good
chiller: hi rose
Botzy: pup22 has joined. Welcome!
marianne: and yourself out there?
Botzy: DHScheer15 has left.
7854754: any girl from chennai here to do hot chat pm me
Botzy: vivak has joined. Welcome!
cutehandsome: hi......wish u romanceful valentines day to everyboby ...............
marianne: not a fluent spanish speaker.....pmer
jakes: i have been doing well,, just work pressure
manisht36: i m fine what about u
Botzy: varshasethi was idle for too long and has been disconnected.
jakes: ok online prob
chintu_jiya: @@@@@
----hello alllllll----
Botzy: adithyaa85 has joined. Welcome!
7854754: any girl from chennai here to do hot chat pm me
praveen_20: any one here for friendly chat
YAYS: hello
Botzy: Jakky has joined. Welcome!
chintu_jiya: @@@@@
----dil le ke aaya hun...main hun chintu jiya....any gal.....?
Botzy: curvy has joined. Welcome!
chocoholic1: starburst
sohnikudi: hi guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
U_AND_I_: hey
jakes: so tell me about yourself
Michgirl201035: hey all
Botzy: princess19 has joined. Welcome!
KUNAAL_23: meri sabhi bahenon ko V_day mubarak ho !!!!
muimui: hai
damayantee: ok
Botzy: arabic_man has joined. Welcome!
Michgirl201035: happy valentines day all
sohnikudi: ny punjabii guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
jakes: it would get something silly
Michgirl201035: hi choco
Botzy: NANCY_33 has joined. Welcome!
damayantee: sis wat c do
Botzy: ra89 has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: ~Aryan has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: naveen54 has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: ashishpatel has joined. Welcome!
jakes: yeah
~Aryan: hi to all
chocoholic1: hi michgirl
Botzy: megaxxxhornyman has joined. Welcome!
jakes: you are late to reply
ayaana: hello frm were r u vijay_tamil -
a_simple_guy: any1 interested in decent chat??..plz whisper..
Botzy: prshannt has left.
ashishpatel: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
~Aryan: how r u all
damayantee: lots guys asking only age so i told in pub
shanya: sabhi bro's ko valentine ki shub kamnaye
Botzy: fendy has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: Arvind_chaudhary has joined. Welcome!
adithyaa85: Happy Valentines day
mayank35: fine n u
Botzy: nikitas has joined. Welcome!
jakes: ok
Botzy: laura2000 has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: rocksboiling has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: sweetyyy has joined. Welcome!
~Aryan: hey shanya
Adi_Delhi_: any gd girl free for chat
Siddtharth: hiiii alll
jakes: keep asking questions
Botzy: OnEdge has joined. Welcome!
princess19: hiii, 19 yrs f, any indian
Adi_Delhi_: any gd girl free for chat
arabic_man: hellooooooooooooooooooooo
Botzy: mini_23 was idle for too long and has been disconnected.
Botzy: sweetdreamgurl has left.
chitu: kaun hai
Botzy: Remu was idle for too long and has been disconnected.
Botzy: yngman4fun has joined. Welcome!
laura2000: Happy Valentine's Day 

Botzy: Devipriya22 has joined. Welcome!
yngman4fun: be my valentine
Devipriya22: ANy tamilans
Botzy: fem261 has joined. Welcome!
Botzy: ejat has joined. Welcome!
jakes: sweden
Botzy: lveitloose has joined. Welcome!
curvy: hello
Devipriya22: to sex chat
Botzy: ~Alisha~ has left.
megaxxxhornyman: hi, i'm back peeps... fell asleep last night....
muimui: hai
sweetyyy: hiiiiiiiiiii
jakes: silly faces to make someone happy
fendy: pa kbr swet
hottguy: hiiii sweetyyyyy
jakes: i am staying in sanfancizco now
praveen_20: any one here for friendly chat
Happy Valentines Day Friends 
sweetyyy: ott guy.......hello
hotgranny: sexy chat the more sexy u can
vijay_tamil: any hot girls here??any hot girls here??
Botzy: Ekram has joined. Welcome!
hottguy: whisper me
doctor_25M: i will be 26 in april
Botzy: MENI has joined. Welcome!
ayaana: sure aryan -
Botzy: gunjan72 has joined. Welcome!
good_frend2: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Willett, R. & Sefton-Green, J. Living and Learning in Chatrooms (or does informal learning have anything to teach u. Retrieved February 10, 2011 from
Reflection on Assignment 2
We feel relieved after finished this assignment because it seems very difficult in finding the corpus itself, to be exact, the appropriate chat room conversation. The conversation in the chat room is hard to find, as they are using inappropriate words in their conversation. However, it is really fun when it comes to the part of analyzing the conversation because we got to know various new language forms have developed among teenagers nowadays. It is interesting where we never thought about such words as we are not really into chat rooms. We learn a lot of new thing after doing this assignment!